Concord, NC | October 30, 2024

Program Schedule

Registration, Breakfast, & Networking, sponsored by Quantuvos
Breakfast in Exhibitor Hall

Visit all of our sponsors in the exhibitor hall to be entered in prize drawings!
Welcome to the 2024 Carolina Regional Conference!
Opening Remarks by Dan Black
Rooms G/H/I/J
Opening Keynote, sponsored by UNC Charlotte School of Professional Studies
PIVOT! Shift Your Perspective
Presented by Nicole Greer
Rooms G/H/I/J
Morning Break, sponsored by eParamus
Visit all of our sponsors in the exhibitor hall to be entered in prize drawings!
10:30am-11:30amMaking the Madness Behind the Method
Presented by Dr. Joe Perez

Rooms G/H
ROI by Design: Delivering the Promise of Learning Measurement
Presented by Laura Paramoure

Room I
Building a Culture of Continual Learning Using Curated Content
Presented by Kimberly Sinnott

Room J
Lunch Break, sponsored by Bigger Brains
Lunch in Room F
Visit all of our sponsors in the exhibitor hall to be entered in prize drawings!
12:30pm-1:30pmHow to be an Ally as an Instructional Designer
Presented by Candace Marles

Rooms G/H
The Gen Z Effect: Engaging the Next Generation of Learners
Presented by Luke Goetting

Room I
AI Unleashed: Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology for Talent Development Pivot to Success
Presented by Renee Christie

Room J
Afternoon Break, sponsored by TimelyText
Visit all of our sponsors in the exhibitor hall to be entered in prize drawings!
2:00pm-3:00pmGenerative AI Strategies and Tactics for Learning & Development
Presented by Josh Cavalier

Rooms G/H
Pivot to Thrive
Presented by Martha Kesler

Room I
Are your Leadership Development Programs a Stepping-Stone to Leave? Or do they Drive an Employee’s Intent to Stay?
Presented by Glenna Griffin, PhD

Room J
3:00pm-3:15pmShort Break
Last chance to visit sponsors! Be sure to turn in your entry card for the prize drawings!
Closing Keynote sponsored by Dale Carnegie

Embrace Your Multi-Hyphenate Skills to Fuel Your Career Journey
Presented by Megan Bell
Round 1 of Prize Drawings
Rooms G/H/I/J
4:00pm-4:15pmThank You for Attending the 2024 Carolina Regional Conference!

Closing Remarks by Dan Black
Round 2 of Prize Drawings
Rooms G/H/I/J